Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Been Awhile ... Lung Issues Resolved (and Book on the Way!)

"So where the heck has she BEEN the last few months???" many of you have been asking.  "Wasn't her e-book due out at the end of July?"  Well those are excellent questions with excellent answers.

In June, I started planning for another visit from Tim VanOrden.  He came to Bellingham to speak at the end of July, and it was an amazing talk, as usual.  (What else would we expect from Tim?)  However, in the 2 weeks prior to his visit, I was having a lot of breathing issues, and by the time he got here, I had a mild case of laryngitis and had a difficult time hosting the talk.  Why, you ask?  Well, we live butted right up against an enormous, commercial raspberry farm, and from May to August they spray the bushes incessantly.  They spray them with something to bring them out of hibernation, then thrice weekly for 3 months they spray them until they are literally dripping with poison, then at long last, the last spray is to put them into hibernation for the year again.  I didn't do so well with all that spray, and my lungs were quite compromised as a result.  Add to that the fact that there were forest fires on the other side of the mountain near where we live that made most everyone cough for a few weeks, and I was down for the count.

In a nutshell, I was reduced to playing FarmVille on facebook, and just posting funny videos, for the most part.  My energy was just sapped, and I had so much trouble breathing!

Several months of hacking later, I discovered a wonderful little capsule of ayurvedic herbs called Padma, and when the spraying stopped and the earliest fall rains came to clear the air, the Padma worked diligently to clear me up in six days.

So that's the long story.  The short story is that I got sick, couldn't get well because the spraying and smoke wouldn't stop, and so I had to take a break from working on Go Raw, Not Crazy for a few months.  But I'm back, stronger than ever, getting ready to start another juice fast, and I'm back to work on the site and my books!  :o)

The launch of my newest e-book, Go Raw, Not Crazy ~ 35 Tips to Help You Reach Your Raw Goals (While Maintaining Your Sanity) is imminent!  You can order it now during the presale.

A new page has been added to the site called Resources, where you can get kitchen tools, books, DVD's, and visit other raw food blogs that I recommend.  Everything on the page is something that I own, have seen or read, so I recommend each item highly!

Well, just wanted to check in with all of you.  My goal is to write in my blog once a week from here on out (minimum), so watch for new blog posts soon!  :o)  Missed you all, and thanks for all your kind words of support and your concern while I was away.  Be chatting with you, soon!  :o)

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